i miss you but i haven't met you yet so special but it hasn't happened yet you are gorgeous but i haven't met you yet i remember but it hasn't happened yet
and if you believe in dreams or what is more important that a dream can come true i will meet you
i was peaking but it hasn't happened yet i haven't been given my best souvenir i miss you but i haven't met you yet i know your habits but wouldn't recognize you yet
and if you believe in dreams or what is more important that a dream can come true i will meet you
i'm so impatient i can't stand the wait when will i get my cuddle? who are you?
i know by now that you'll arrive by the time i stop waiting
Te echo de menos, le digo al aire te busco, te pienso, te siento y siento que como tu no habrá nadie y aquí te espero, con mi cajita de la vida cansada, a oscuras, con miedo y este frío, nadie me lo quita
Tengo razones, para buscarte tengo necesidad de verte, de oírte, de hablarte tengo razones, para esperarte porque no creo que haya en el mundo nadie mas a quien ame tengo razones, razones de sobra para pedirle al viento que vuelvas aunque sea como una sombra tengo razones, para no quererte olvidar porque el trocito de felicidad fuiste tu quien me lo dio a probar
El aire huele a ti, mi casa se cae porque no estas aquí mis sabanas, mi pelo, mi ropa te buscan a ti mis pies son como de cartón que voy arrastrando por cada rincón mi cama se hace fría y gigante y en ella me pierdo yo mi casa se vuelve a caer mis flores se mueren de pena mis lagrimas son charquitos que caen a mis pies te mando besos de agua q hagan un hueco en tu calma te mando besos de agua pa que bañen tu cuerpo y tu alma te mando besos de agua para que curen tus heridas te mando besos de agua de esos con los que tanto te reías
So, so you think you can tell heaven from hell, blue skies from pain. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell? And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze? Cold comfort for change? And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage? How I wish, how I wish you were here. We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, Running over the same old ground. What have you found? The same old fears. Wish you were here.
Tomaste mi lugar algo se va sin fin a otra parte. No sé si vos también que lástima me da pensar que tal vez no.
Los dos silencios al teléfono, escuchamos la respiración.
La misma ropa que sabés la llevo ahora todos los días Dos en uno, uno en dos es la casualidad un arreglo imposible. Si pasamos tan ligero, no me quiero distraer.
Partir y renunciar, sabiendo que vos no sos mi fiesta Qué lástima me da pensar que tal vez si.
Los dos silencios al teléfono, escuchamos la respiración
I can't find you anywhere find you, find you... I can't find you anywhere pictures, pictures... So I wrote you a letter in capital letters saying all that I care for, all that I care for is...
Where you've been hiding, Where you've been hiding
Hear the lonesome whippoorwill His song's too blue to fly The midnight train is a-winding low I'm so lonesome I could cry
I've never seen a night so long When time keeps crawling by The moon is gone behind the clouds To hide his face and cry
Have you ever seen a robin weep When leaves have turned to brown? Like me he's lost his will to live I'm so lonesome I could cry
The silence of a falling star Lights up a purple haze and as I wonder where you are I'm so lonesome I could cry
Now that I'm alone I feel the lonely brokeness of all the wicked avenues I've ever sold my love on all these moments of meekness and trembling subsided I'm the outright abandon of this orphan child home is on the highway living on soft bread and solace I guess I'm waiting for nightfall or a solar eclipse and to wake up half empty only to be filled again with mourning he's my evil shadow dove my black palamito can't break him like a diamond skull I can't seem to do so can't just rob him out like the mob used to do so like memories of porno and tearstains and tobacco O it's a mini disastro bigger than the ice age don't know if baby dinosaurs maybe could live throught it, like indians and butterflies what's crushed is my spirit, oh i fear it is too fragile like fall leaves burn like paper
I always knew I would spend a lot of time alone no one would understand me maybe I should go and live amongst the animals spend all my time amongst the animals and on the tracks i would go they lead to the sea to be amongst the animals
Oh I'm just a fall leaf something simple and shy like that that's how my heart lies down beside the sidewalk like an empty restaurant filled with perfume and balloons I sit and entertain the bizarro ghosts of my soul his name still lingers maybe lactates on my tongue perhaps I'm just teething for a foreign fallen destiny miserable but mine, I look like his mother or Sophia Loren in an old fashioned movie slow motion I cling to my child desesperate for love one day soon my brohter died, made me remember all the subordinate feelings I cast aside maybe I had lied when I said I was ok just getting along like a little song that stops to sing and say "wild willow, windy winter won't you blow through me my whole eternity"
So broken in pieces my heart is so broken i'm puzzling here i go trying to run ahead of that heart break train thinking it will never catch up with me i'm so broken ˜heðan-biður-afte-care˜ so broken ˜heðan-biður-afte-care˜ yeah, ha-ee, ha-ee, ha-mmm ˜heðan-biður˜ *gibberish* wooh-ahhh-hmm... i'm trying to land this aeroplane of ours gracefully but it seems just destined to crash i'm so broken ˜heðan-biður-afte-care˜ my heart is so broken ˜heðan-biður-afte-care˜ yeah, ha-ee, ha-ee, ha-mmm *gibberish* how can.. completely with thee advanished away at one stop at a time now baby i'm so broken ˜heðan-liður-afte-care˜ im-m-m-mmm...so broken ˜heðan-biður-afte-care˜ yeah, ha-ee, ha-ee, ha-mmm *gibberish* i'm so... completely unhealable, baby ohhh!! ˜ohh-er-him˜ i'm so broken ˜ahh-eða-miður-afte-care˜ yeah, ha-ee, ha-ee, ha-mmm ˜en-lickel-afte-sjólvar˜ ˜en-neon-co-cole-ah-ahh˜ ˜neo-sasar-ohh˜ ˜en-mi-ssssshhhhh.....˜
hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that's real The needle tears a hole The old familiar sting Try to kill it all away But I remember everything
What have I become? My sweetest friend Everyone I know Goes away in the end You could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt
I wear this crown of shit Upon my liar's chair Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair Beneath the stains of time The feelings disappear You are someone else I am still right here
What have I become? My sweetest friend Everyone I know Goes away in the end
You could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt If I could start again A million miles away I would keep myself I would find a way